来源:2023-05-14 00:00:00 热度:


AI中国网 https://www.cnaiplus.com

China Post Group announced on its official website that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has announced the appointment and dismissal of comrade Jian Qin from his position. According to relevant laws and regulations, Jian Qin has been appointed as a director and deputy secretary of the party committee of China Post Group, and has been dismissed from his position as a member of the party committee and deputy general manager of China Mobile Communications Group. Public information shows that Jian Qin was born in March 1966 and graduated from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications with a major in computer and communication in 1989. He has worked as a deputy director of Nanchang Telecom Bureau, party secretary and general manager of Nanchang Mobile, member of the party committee, director and deputy general manager of Jiangxi Mobile, party secretary, chairman and general manager of Jiangxi Mobile, party secretary, chairman and general manager of Sichuan Mobile, and party secretary, chairman and general manager of Guangdong Mobile. In December 2017, he was appointed as a member of the party committee and deputy general manager of China Mobile Communications Group. Disclaimer: The content on this website mainly comes from original content, cooperative partner contributions, and third-party self-media articles, and all information presented is for reference only. We will make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of any relevant data, and readers should further verify before using and take responsibility for any independently made decisions. This website disclaims all legal liability for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions caused by relevant information. Any unit or individual who believes that the content of web pages or links on this website may infringe their intellectual property rights or contain untrue information should promptly submit a written notice of rights or explanation of untrue situation to this website, and provide proof of identity, proof of ownership, and detailed evidence of infringement or untrue situation. After receiving the aforementioned legal documents, this website will contact the source of the relevant article as soon as possible to verify, communicate, and delete relevant content or disconnect relevant links. Channel recommendation: Xiaohongshu Operations.

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